News for the Church, 2/17/23

Happy Snow Day to you Church! 

With the ice and snow outside, I haven’t been outside yet. How bad is the ice at your house? 

This last week Renee Stauffer saw a robin in her yard, my son saw a cardinal, and another friend spotted a red-winged black bird. No matter how yucky it is out today, let us remain confident that spring will come! 

Here’s the news for the week: 

It’s Girl Scout Cookie Time

The girl scouts who meet in our building on Thursday nights will be at coffee hour this Sunday to sell their delicious cookies. Aside from purchasing your yearly stash of thin mint cookies, this will be a chance to meet some of our neighbors who use our building during the week. 

Pizza and Game Night this Coming Thursday

If you’d like to join the game fun, meet some new folks, and laugh with old friends, come down to the Center Thursday the 23rd, from 5:30-7:30pm. We will be ordering pizza. You can bring a dish to share to accompany. 

Monica Sandreczki to Preach 2/26

A week from this Sunday Monica will once again bring us a word from the Word. 

Church Choir to Launch March 5th! 

For those of you who have interest in singing, we will be rustling together a choir to sing once a month, beginning on March 5th. Quinn Stevenson and Keilor Kastella will be leading rehearsal the Thursday prior, from 7-8pm, and then again that Sunday morning at 9am. Would you like to be part of this? If so, let either Keilor, Quinn, or me know! 

This choir will also have the opportunity to participate in PIC’s Sacred Festival of Sacred Word and Music, to be held on March 26. 

Church Potluck on Sunday, March 5

Our next church potluck will be held 2 weeks from this Sunday, on March 5th. 

Missing Keys?

Last Sunday someone lost a set of keys. They were found in the red chair that lives in the corner of the Center during coffee hour. If they belong to you, Sue Waters is holding them safely in the church office for you! 

Medical Fund for Ron Kaiser

This last week we collected $1,075 to give as a love offering to our custodian, Ron, who has continued to incur major medical expenses over the last year. If you’d still like to contribute, write Ron’s name on the memo line of your check and drop it in the offering plate this week, or send it to the church in the mail. We will wait one more week before we present him with our gift. 

Friends, thank you for being so generous and caring. I am bursting with thanks and gratitude for your kind hearts.

Intergenerational Fellowship

This last week at Bible Study we were reflecting on the beauty of what church creates in our lives– particularly the chance to make friends with people you might not ever have the opportunity to get to know otherwise. Last Sunday, for instance, during coffee hour, I was sitting at a table with twenty somethings, someone in their 30s, I’m in my 40’s, another individual in her 60’s, and two other folks in their 80’s. 

Living in relationships with people who live in different places and situations in their lives– crossing those boundary lines that normally keep us separate from one another– is part of what makes up the Kindom of God here on earth. 

This Sunday, I invite you to seek out someone to visit with who is different from yourself. How are they different from you? How are they the same? We become God’s family when we love and cherish each other for both our similarities and our differences. 

Keep Cherishing Each Other,
Pastor Katrina