Good Day to you, Church!
For a short, hot minute yesterday it seemed like spring might be on it’s way. It was eerie to see the ground again after all the rain melted the snow, wasn’t it? But alas, our hopes were thwarted. At least today was a snow day for the kiddos!
Here’s what’s up this week:
Huimara Needs a Ride to Syracuse March 3
Our Afghani friend (the student at Clarkson) is getting closer to being able to see her family in Canada. Her family arrived there as refugees in the fall, but Huimara still has not been cleared to cross the border. She needs to make one more trip to Syracuse for documents on March 3rd. If you think you might be able to take her, please email me back and let me know!
Pastor Holly’s Husband is on the Mend
As you might have heard in church last Sunday, Pastor Holly’s husband had a mild stroke last week. Thankfully, his condition is improving. If you’d like to send them a note, here’s their address:
Holly Haille Thompson
PO Box 274
Rooseveltown, NY 13683
Per Capita …. it’s that time of year again.
For those of you who aren’t familiar with the Presbyterian system of polity, our local church is supported by 3 governing bodies above us– the Presbytery of Northern New York, the Synod of the Northeast, and General Assembly. Each of these bodies provides learning resources, mission opportunities, grant possibilities, and theological guidance for our church. (And at each level we have representation, or, the possibility of representation). But, just like our church, each governing body needs money to keep their systems running.
One way they do this is through “per capita.” For every person who is a member of our church, the church pays $31/year. This is a lot of money, of course, but we are able to offset some of these costs if you, as a member, are able to contribute that $31 (or whatever amount you can afford) to help us pay our per capita bill.
If you are a member would you consider donating another $31? If so, please write “per capita” on the memo line of your check. (If you’re not an official member, however, you don’t need to worry about any of this!)
Rev. Shaun to Preach
Rev. Shaun Whitehead will be in the pulpit on Sunday, Feb. 27.
A Fun Mystery
This last week I received a bulky letter in the mail from an unknown individual who lives in Ocean, NJ– a man by the name of William Kopp.
“The enclosed newspaper article was found in the files of the Episcopal Church of St. James in Upper Mountclair, New Jersey,” he wrote. “It was in an envelope marked ‘Marts and Lundy of NY, NY.’ There is no known connection to St. James, so I thought you might like to have the original returned to you.”

Does anyone have any idea how a copy of a 1961 article about our church’s 150th anniversary ended up in the files of an Episcopal church in New Jersey, by way of someone from New York City?! (Also note the short article about a delicatessen supper being held at Beth-El, to give their congregants a chance to eat a kosher meal together.)
Let me know if you have any ideas of how this newspaper got there!
Friends, how are you holding up this week? The Omicron variant is starting to wane in St. Lawrence County. Have you been smiling? I hope so! And how are your winter blues? Is your back holding up from all the shoveling?
I hope you find a way to celebrate being alive this week. Take in a deep breath of air the next time you step outside and give thanks to the earth for what she brings us! Dance with your sweetie in the kitchen! Share a joke with a friend! Venture out into shops or restaurants if you feel safe enough! Get brave and have that hard conversation you’ve been putting off for years! Do something this week that brings you abundant life.
In 2 Corinthians 9, Paul is reminding his listeners to give generously to help out the poor in Jerusalem (something they’d already promised to do). But he does so by reminding them that giving brings joy and abundance back around to the giver, for having given in the first place. He says:
“God loves it when the giver delights in the giving. God can pour on the blessings in astonishing ways so that you’re ready for anything and everything, more than just ready to do what needs to be done.”
~2 Corinthians 9:7-8
What besides “what needs to get done” can you put your energy towards this week? What joy can you cultivate? What gift can you offer to the world? And what abundance can you receive back for doing these very things?
I can’t wait to find out!
Soaking up the sunshine this afternoon,
Pastor Katrina