A Beautiful (Hot) Spring Day to You, Church!
Can you even imagine that it’s supposed to hit 85 degrees today? I’m currently sitting out on the back deck (in the shade), watching cottonwood tree fluff float on the air, smelling the sweet fragrance of freshly cut grass, and listening to the melodic chatter of Baltimore orioles, cardinals, and wood thrush. It’s just about heaven out here!
Here’s the news for the week:
Prayers for Ron Kaiser
Please be praying for our custodian, Ron, who has been in the hospital with Covid this week. Thankfully he’s home now, but he’s not out of the woods yet because of his heart condition. If you’d like to send him a get well card, you can drop one in the mail at: Ron Kaiser/ 457 Sykes Rd. / Canton, NY 13617
Cleaning the Church
Since Ron has been out of work for almost 2 weeks, the church building is in need of some cleaning. If anyone is interested in making a little extra money we’re hoping to find someone to do a little work. (Volunteers would be welcome too.) If you’re interested, please email me back for more information.
Spring Cleaning! Church Grounds Clean Up Day this Saturday, 5/14 at 9am
If you’d like to help with beautifying the church grounds, a crew of folks will be meeting this Saturday at 9am. Bring your gloves and a rake. For questions, call Bob Pickard at (315) 212-0008.
Pastor Katrina on Study Leave
Rev. Rich Hinkle will be filling the pulpit for May 22nd and May 29th, as Pastor Katrina will be away on study leave.
Difficult Conversations Lab to Begin June 1st
There’s still time to sign up for this 6-week class, if you’d like to join. We will meet every Wednesday from 3:30-5:30pm beginning June 1st.
Saying Goodbye to Gail and Roy Schaberg
Our dear friends, the Schabergs, are moving to North Carolina after having lived in the North Country for decades. If you’d like to send them a card with your well wishes, you’re welcome to do so! Their new address is: Gail and Ro Schaberg/ 31 Deer Glade Lane/ Waynesville, NC 28786
Earth Care: Installing a Pollinator Garden, Planting Trees, and Learning about Invasive Species
Bob Picard and Renee Stauffer have been working behind the scenes to get our church ready for big events in June! On the evening of June 11th, a representative from the Nature Conservatory will be showing a documentary at the church on invasive species– for us to learn more about the human toll on plants and animals in our region. And then, after the Sunday service on the 12th, she will be back to take us on a garden tour of our own church grounds. She will point out for us the invasive species we have on our property and talk to us about management and removal, and offer alternate ideas for better earth care in the North Country.
In the meantime, HeadStart students have been growing milkweed seedlings for us to grow in our newly-established pollinator garden, the Girl Scouts, who meet weekly in our building, recently planted three oak trees on our property, and this last Sunday we planted and dedicated two blight-resistant elm trees (on Elm St!) to replace the 200-year old maple tree that died last year.
Huzzah for the life of plants on God’s green Earth!
“Then God said, ‘Let the land produce vegetation; seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds.’ And it was so. The land produced vegetation….And God saw that it was good.” —Genesis 1:11-12

Saying a prayer for our new trees.

Planting an elm

Our pollinator garden site!
Enjoy the wonder of God’s Beautiful World this week,
Pastor Katrina